Pramodbhai Thakkar, Chairman; said that the nominations could be from any community member in Leicester, not just Hindus. In the second half, Pramodbhai Thakkar welcomed the dignitaries and emphasised that we should now be donating and supporting local research projects and needy charities in the UK and should invest in education.
This is what Jalaram Charitable Trust, Leicester will be promoting moving forward. He added that a conscious effort will be made to promote the Pujya Bapa ethos ‘Seva Parmodharm’ (Service to Man is service to God). The MC (Kamlesh Purohit) then announced the list of the following Awards:
1. Steve White MBE for unconditional dedicated community & sports work for Leicester City Football Club and its supporters to Jalaram Mandir over the years.
2. Prof Sir Nilesh Samani For outstanding patient care and the raising of community awareness and world leading research in heart and circulatory disease. Nileshbhai is a Professor of Cardiology, and founding Trustee of
Heart Search.
3.Councillor Rashmikant Joshi Former Lord Mayor of Leicester & dedicated community worker for Leicester City.
4. Councillor Mo (Mansukhlal) Chohan For support to the community of Leicester.
5. Dhirubhai Shah was given a special award for his selfless work towards
promoting and raising funds for Anthony Nolan.
A special award was given to Narandasbhai Aadtiya who was honoured for 40 years of services to the society, religion, the temple and for supporting bereaved families by comforting them and carrying out final funeral rites
and conducting prayer meetings.